Your own gold D shaped hammered bangle made using your gold

Your own gold D shaped hammered bangle made using your gold

Commission me to use your own gold to create a bespoke bangle. Please get in touch to chat over your requirements before purchasing this listing .Your bangle (depending on your pot of gold) can be textured or smooth, and truly bespoke to you.

*Minimum of 15 grams of gold, not including amount needed for potential stone setting. the photographed bangle is 18 grams in weight.
*Gold must be of one colour and ideally hallmarked so I can confirm finesse. The carat of gold can not be mixed as the ring will be re-tested and hallmarked after being made, this in included in the cost
*Some gold is lost in the smelting and finishing processes
*I can flush set your own small diamonds if well cut / the right size for the job, in good condition and genuine. This will cost around £10 extra per stone
*You will need an accurate hand/wrist size
*Made by me in my studio in Stirlingshire using simple techniques
*Every re-model will look different depending on how the gold re-acts to being worked, Amounts of gold used, origins of the gold and human factors.. making your
commission bespoke to you.
* Your bangle width and depth will vary depending on how much gold you have, the width you ideally want to achieve and the ring size. This can be roughly calculated but
may vary in the making process.
* No discount codes can be used with this listing

I have been wanting to streamline the re-model process for a while now, to give my customers some style choices with clear pricing. There are so many variables in Re-modelling, and costs can spiral, so I wanted to make it easier. If you have any questions please do get in touch!

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